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Lifting the Veils

Over time, many of us have created barriers to protect ourselves from disappointment and heartbreak. Unfortunately, these barriers have only managed to isolate us. As spiritual beings, having a human experience, isolation equals hell. Many of us are experiencing this hell on earth right now. It is the feeling that we are separate, not only from each other but from Source. In reality, we are individual expressions of Source Energy and are very much the same as and one with each other. Sometimes we have fleeting moments of clarity in which we realize this truth. Sadly, these are often too few and far between. The amazing thing about all of this is that we have the potential within ourselves to experience heaven on earth in this lifetime!

The walls that we have built around us are not solid and permanent.  We don’t need a sledgehammer or wrecking ball to bring them down. Think of them as soft and flowing. Although they may be thick, we need not climb over or trudge around. The easiest way to break through is to simply lift one veil at a time. Each time a veil of illusion is lifted, you will see more light shining through. This is how you will know you are on the right path. You will gain more clarity and inspiration with every layer that is removed. This can be a very exciting process. Lifting the veils can lead us to fulfill our fullest potential. It is here that things seem to flow in a synchronistic way as events begin to unfold perfectly in our daily lives.

So, how do we lift the veils of illusion that keep us from the truth? I am sure there are as many ways to do this as there are people on the earth. I have found a regular meditation practice to be the key for me. Don’t get me wrong-I am not at the “heaven on earth” point. I have, though, begun the process and in doing so have found a great peace. In the meditation classes that I teach, I tell the new students that if they meditate for 5 minutes a day, they will feel like a new person in 3 weeks–Guaranteed! I tell them that although their circumstances may not change, their perspective will. Often they look at me like I am crazy but the students who have been with me for a while or have meditated for any length of time, all nod their heads in agreement. I have never had anyone ask for their money back. Sometimes things don’t change, but it is usually because they won’t sit for 5 minutes a day on a regular basis. Once you can sit for a small amount of time daily, you may want to increase the amount of time. Ideally, we can work ourselves up to 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. This is a lofty goal, don’t let it deter you. It may take 10 years to get to that point and a lot of spiritual growth will happen along the way.

I like to have a “no excuses” approach to meditation. The way that works is to know that you don’t need any equipment and that any amount of time will do just fine. “Just sit” is a great mantra to tell yourself if you are having trouble getting started. There is tons of information and techniques on meditation on the internet and in magazines and books. I encourage everyone to go to a meditation class or group at least a couple of times a month. It will strengthen the at home practice to be around like-minded people regularly. Also, we sometimes hit a wall or mental block and it is good to have a support system in place so that we don’t give up when things inevitably get uncomfortable. And, the feeling of being accountable to something or someone helps on days when it is hard to get yourself to sit.

Making a commitment to 5 minutes a day for three weeks to change your life for the better doesn’t sound too extreme to me. I would love to hear any feedback or thoughts on this. I will be posting more soon on specific meditations to focus on to help you get through the veils and start living the life you were born to live. For now, just sit. Namaste.

About mandy main

My name is Mandy Main. I am passionate about helping people move towards wellness with yoga, meditation, and self-compassion. I am a wife and mother. I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher and a Licensed Massage Therapist. I teach Yoga and Meditation, blend essential oils and combine herbs. I am trying to balance it all. I enjoy being both the teacher and the student.

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